Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March already? Where has the time gone? And can I have it back?

Wow.. March.  March 7th to be exact.  Seems like a few days ago it was the beginning of February.  WHAT HAPPENED?  Well, a lot in my world... Keeping up with Boedy, the kids, Mandi, my brother, the soon to be birth of my pseudo nephew Kellen, and my family has kept me busy in ways I hadn't expected.
Boedy, Bronx, and Brooke - Good morning Message!
Brooke and I! (disregard how terrible I look)
 My Brother... We have matching tattoos.... yeah, we are close!
 Me, my brother and my momma... when Jeremiah graduated basic training for the Air Force!

 Jeremiah when we came home for Christmas to surprise the family!

But the busyness has also kept me from blogging, working out (like I want to), and church... I know a lot of people aren't big into Church because at some point, they've been burnt.  Makes sense.  But my question is, so if one church burnt you, there's only a BJILLION more in our area to try.  I promise they aren't all the same.  I had been to at least one church of every denomination known to our area... burnt by all.  Until one day, about 5 years ago, I found CLC (Christian Life Cathedral)  now known as Catalyst.  WOW.  What an amazing church.  I feel so at home there.  No judgment for where my life has taken me... (2 marriages, 2 divorces of my own... amongst other things in my life.)  I walked in the door my first time ever there and the door greeter gave me a hug and said, we are glad you are here.  REALLY?  ME!  Are you sure?  I had never been to a place where strangers were glad I was there... It just has a feeling of Jesus all over it.  I love going there.  The people are sincere... they don't care what has happened in your life... they care that you are there and if you want the help, they want to be there to lift you up so you can get back on your feet and start heading in a direction you probably didn't know existed.  WOW.  What an incredible feeling!

So, another thing that has been going on keeping me from blogging... well, life.  Life in general.  I love playing with Boedy's kids... date nights... hanging with the peeps... and just relaxing away from a computer screen from time to time, since my job has me at one all day!  But most recently, I've been pretty consumed with those things, plus my 89 year old granpa.  I love my granpa... He's the only "dad" I've ever had.  He held my hand when I had to get stitches two of the three times... he would hold me and let me cry when I needed to... he taught me how to use a hammer and nails... he showed me how love should be by loving my gramma unconditionally... but now he's got dementia... it's the early steps of Alzheimer's... such a horrible disease.  I think that honestly, anything else would be better to lose him to.  Because, sometimes, I forget that it's our memories of him at this point instead of his of us.   My poor gramma is losing her mind trying to help him find his again.   This is the man that could do anything.  My own version of "superman".  He could do no wrong... I mean, I love the man so much that I got his handwriting tattooed on my wrist.
(It's my nickname from him)

 I mean, he's a hero to our whole family...  My brother Jeremiah has granpa's army unit patch tattooed on his arm.  WE LOVE THIS MAN, is putting it mildly.  He is why my momma is so amazing... well, him and my gramma.  I have an amazing family.  Our love is outrageous.  Most people dream of the family I have.  And let me tell you, I'd share with anyone who wanted it.  So, anyway, Granpa, he fell... his dementia meds really do a number on him.  He fell on the coffee table, broke several ribs, punctured his lung, and got pneumonia.... so, I've been up late praying for his recovery and worrying about him.  They live about an hour and a half away from me... so getting there sometimes, can be a challenge.

So there's just a few things that have made February fly by and those are definitely more important than blogging or working out.

Well, I'm signing off for now... but remember, cherish every moment you have with people you love... and always make room for new things... and come see us at Catalyst Church.  Boedy, Mandi, and I will save you a seat!


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