Friday, February 10, 2012

Bad Day Disaster Relief...

So, the roomie.. Mandi was having a super bad day... so Boedy and I went on a date with her... I love that we are all that close that we can do those things together and it doesn't feel like someone is the third wheel.... I mean, look at how goofy we are... Well, Boedy for sure! :)

Mandi wanted Chinese food... so here we are... eating Mall Food Court Chinese.

Then she wanted to go watch "One For The Money"... So we did... and we got POPCORN!!!  My favorite movie food!  And again, my love is being silly... How can anyone have a bad day with him around!? 
P.S. He told me I couldn't edit his craziness out of this photo!!

And lastly - I sure am crazy about this man!!  See that smile... How could anyone not want to see that everyday!?  I mean really...

So, last night was 3 person impromptu date night... and I love that we can do that.  

Oh, and as you get to know me, you'll learn that I'm spontaneous... I love doing things on a whim.  You'll also learn that nothing is more important than me spending time with my family and friends... 

Well, that's all you get from me today! :)  Hope you enjoy God's blessings of date nights, best friends, family and the mall food court Chinese food!!  

1 comment:

  1. It worked! I love that we can do that together too! :)
